
Friday, August 28, 2009

Chapter Forty: Prelim Exams Review

Here's a quick review of the prelim exams so far...
EL P1 - Quite ok, got a little bit of bad feeling about this..
Social Studies- Its ok, hope can do well for source based.
Hist P2- Quite ok...shocking SEQ questions though.
Biology P2- A bit hard, hope can do well nevertheless.
EL P2- Compre...i think its ok, but what does my mark thinks?
Phy P2- Set by mrs peh, easier than alot of papers i done before =D
EGEO- Hope can do well, average.
Maths P2 - Average
AM P1 - Shocking horrifying hard, set by ms yeo :X
Hist P1- The 2 seq questions look similar...average
Chem P2- Section A was easier than expectations but section B was difficult.
AM P2- Set by maths hod. Above average but not as hard as the first paper.
Bio P1- Average
Maths P1- Average
Phy P1- Haven't take...
Chem P1- Havent take...
MT- Huh? What Mother Tongue? I got A2 for O's already...

And YES! Man U thrashed Wigan 5-0 and liverpool lost 1-3 to aston villa =D

Yeah, there's alot of papers for the prelims. O levels in less than 60 days -.-
It's hard to overcome all these... but the end of the destination is after the O's. We have to perservere in order to live it through this year. This year, is horrifying, as i expected it to be, because of the O levels that are coming up...

kamikorosu @ 2:49 PM
