
Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Chapter 189: System of Linear Equations

We are supposed to do self-directed learning for System of Linear Equations. Although self-directed learning is the learning outcome of the 21st century competencies, I think that asking us to do self-directed learning is wrong. Firstly, if we can learn ourselves, whats the point of teachers? Their jobs are to teach us the topic, not simply ask us to do self directed learning.. If thats the case, anyone can be a teacher too :) Nevertheless, this chapter indeed, i must say, is suitable for self-directed learning as it isnt that complex.

So in the end, I took extra time reading the notes about this chapter, learning and understanding it. Then, I moved on to do the tutorials. This chapter is quite straightforward and nice to do.. cause most of the work is done by GC. Actually, this chapter is just like solving simultaneous eqns using matrix method using the GC. Well, this tutorial is probably the only tutorial where i did not lose my cool doing it.

Ok, the previous 2 paragraphs are just a build up to my post. They aren't the main point of this lol. Be glad.

The main point lies in one of the question. The question is about seamstress making shirts. The question is this: Should the company pay the seamstress $5/hour or $5/shirt for making 96 shirts?

The correct answer should be $5/hour as she can finish in 60 hours. BUT in actual fact, if u charge per hour, a person of the right mind will produce the shirt at a slower pace... and in the end, the company will end up paying more LOL.

And... The question didnt say that the company aim to reduce the wages paid LOL.

kamikorosu @ 3:38 PM
