
Monday, July 23, 2012

Chapter 336: Monday Blues

I was having a chat with someone.
Below is a simplified and extracted version of our conversation.

Person A: 你爸爸是做什么的?
Me: 做烟花的.
Person A: huh? 什么花来的?

My jaws dropped all the way to the ground, with my chin touching the concrete road.


Today, I exprienced the feeling of having red ants on me...
That particular area which cannot be mentioned is infested with red ants! I just helped my friend swept away 1 red ant on his neck... and then one is on my hand... it is trying to crawl under my watch... but is unable to do so.. I flicked it away immediately... that was some imbalanced knee-jerk reflex kind of speed I got. After awhile, I saw another one on my shirt.... what?! Luckily, I didn't get bitten by the red ants..
Bad feeling for the day.


Recently, I realised that I always dream... I dreamt every single night without fail... regardless of the hours I slept... from normal dreams, to nightmares, to weird dreams, to unbelievable dreams... I don't get it... am I thinking too much recently?


It's about time I start to learn driving. So, I went to apply online and something went wrong somewhere zzz... I'll see how it goes... worse case.. go down to the driving center to enrol... troublesome.. The system can be improved on...

kamikorosu @ 10:48 PM
