
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Chapter Ninety-Three: Entertainment

"First I am going to point out *points*. by telling you this. This. And for those hard of hearing, i am going to repeat that. that."

This is a hilarious part adapted from a youtube video and was directed to me by darren leong. He used it in his oral workshop...imba isnt it.. Well there are still some funny parts about him self-praising to be nice cause he dont take drugs, dont carry drugs, etc etc.. Its hilarious, hear it from him.

Basically this post consists quite a number of things i wish to talk about. I thought of everything after countless sleepless nights and brainstorming at free time. The brainstorm is so intensive that approx 21069387 brain cells OR MORE has died.

Things to ponder about:

1. Have you wondered why we can close our eyes and mouth when we don't need them but cant do the same for nose and ears? It's strange, isn't it. Well, if this line seems familiar.. I adapted it from a movie :X

2. When you strain your eyes to see things, your eyesight degree (or simply myopia) increases. BUT if you strain your ears to listen to someone who is speaking softly, your ear wont be damaged! Cool, isn't it? It only gets damaged when the sound is loud though...

And here is an entertaining video from my econs lecture =D

Have a good laugh to cheer yourself up!

And Cxtreme makes me feel good .. The teacher is teaching flash which i had some basic knowledge on it, so its easier for me. I managed to do everything he demonstrated. And at the last moment, the teacher walked behind me, tapped my back and asked:"Everything's ok right?" I cleared my throat due to phlegm.. and replied "ya."

Then he said something that shocked me totally! He said that im an expert in flash and i learnt it before -.- omg, identity revealed and exposed!! How did he know... I might be a really attentive and fast-learning student!?!?! How did he know that i had basic flash knowledge ! And he said i was an expert ... BUT i only know the basics -.-

Ok something else shocked me too and that is one J2 girl from cxtreme asked me how to do motion guide in flash -.- They learnt it before but they forget... i dont know what to say..

Ok, change topic. There was GP tutorial today. The teacher said that she was a retiree and even revealed her age when asked by another student. She dont look that old... ok, i will avoid details as the teacher asked us not to broadcast it. Although im already doin so... BUT i didnt reveal the name and the age ;D

Maths and Econs teachers are young. They dont know each other BUT they did the same thing!?!?! We were asked to write our names on piece of paper and carry it to take photo... LIKE CRIMINALS ENTERING THE PRISONS AND HAVING PHOTO TAKEN FIRST!! Now u can imagine what it is like... BOTH teachers did the same thing despite them not knowing each other (as claimed by the econs teacher). Maybe ... ok, nvm. I'll keep my thoughts to myself.

First PE lesson. Ran 2 rounds for warm up!?!?! Then stretching exercise and run 3 rounds. Supposed to complete 3 rounds in 7 mins. BUT i made it in 5 mins 45 seconds ;D BUT alot are faster... man... athletic pros in my class :X It was tiring nevertheless. lots of lactic acid building up in muscles!! Ok, took height and weight and i weigh 56kg. As for height, i didnt hear it clearly... was it 166 or 169 ? Well, i dont know too -.-

AND my nose bleed AGAIN... like what the hell... how many times in these 3 years le -.- I was in the bus and felt smth liquid flowing down my nose... i wiped it and saw blood -.- Damn it. Waste tissue papers! And it will alarm nearby people seeing a person covered with blood! Relax... I'm not covered with blood. My tissue paper is -.- Nose bleed sucks, i think the govt should ban it!

kamikorosu @ 6:17 PM
