
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Chapter 214: Recent Events

Tuesday's PE was disastrous as we had to do 3 sets of 7 pullups.. And we have to follow the teacher's count and we had to extend our hands slowly at 5 counts :X
The end result of this is two aching arms, painful body and a tired mind. This is a newly derived equation by me, and it is not advisable to practice it as it causes a decrease in standard of living and quality of life.

And the misery continues... (Random: If only Mr. Chew was here to 'Chew the misery') We had to do some jumping exercise that results in weakened legs. And the best thing is the teacher actually asks us to run 3 rounds (approx 1.2km) in 6 mins after that... which is not really logical.

And the effects of the pain in my hands carry on to today's PE... which deterred me in my pullups... And my hand is still in pain now... I cant stretch my hands straight now or suffer immense pain!

Enough of PE, lets move on to GP.

My GP tutor has pictured the image that the HOD of GP is a scary fellow, that probably can be infamous for students' hatred towards him. My GP tutor said that if our files are not properly done, the HOD of GP is going to go after u. Whats worse is that she brought out the example of 2 students who are screwed up down left right center by him.
However, the reality is in huge contrast from imagination. After checking the files, he just made some comments (both bad and good things about our files), and just left without getting really pissed off with anything at all. And he said that filing is for our own good, for revision purposes in the GP subject.

To summarise the whole big chunk above: He isnt as scary as I thought and imagined.


How many marks do you get for leaving a question blank?

Why did a student get scolded for doing nothing?

kamikorosu @ 10:29 PM
