
Saturday, April 09, 2011

Chapter 233: Black Humour

拜託 我想是你的腦袋有問題

不懂 你的黑色幽默
想通 卻又再考倒我
當作 是你開的玩笑

If you are wondering, above are song lyrics adapted from the song "Black Humour" by Jay Chou. All these lyrics will aid me in this topic about PW..

Disclaimer: anything below this line will consist of rants after rants after rants, please be mentally prepared. The management shall not be held responsible for any sort/kind of damage caused to the brain. (includes the exploding of brain to cancer etc.)
P.S. Damage cannot be claimed by insurance.

To start off, PW is a retarded subject created by some retarded person in some retarded year called year 2000. To support this claim, the marking of PW is considered subjective, it varies from person to person. Everyone have different taste and preferences.. To someone, a project can get A, but to another person, it might be a B.

Secondly, whoever says that hard work = good grades?!
Didn't my group and I put in enough effort and hardwork for our PW?
I rmb my group staying at the library doing PW until the library closes... what more is expected? Stay longer? And what if we're locked in? Use the fire extinguisher to break out of the glass window? Then? Climb out of the sch compounds via the fence? Or sleep overnight? (actually this is a good idea, so convenient and probability of getting late for sch the next day is 0.)

Moreover, we have sacrificed sleep for our pw as well... and stared long hours at the comp... I had even sacrificed my visit to my grandparents place...
Once, I even slept at around 12 or 1 and there's sch the next day..

Furthermore, there is this guy who contributed little to his group and he ended up getting an A.. which I seriously doubt he deserves... and there is another guy in the same group who is doing more than the prev guy and got a B.. what the hell is this?! The latter deserves the A more... I shall not name anyone in this case.

In another case, also nameless, during the PW intensive periods at the post-promos period, people in one of the classes can afford to play dota during the PW lesson... As for my class, we did PW... and it ended up that they can get an A and majority of our class had to settle for a B -.- How do we reap what we sow?

And I was thinking, maybe could it be due to my PW tutor being a PE teacher? Cause some classes had the better grades in comparison... if the teacher is the factor.. shouldnt PW grades be given to teachers instead of the students?

Lastly, also the least convincing point LOL, I can never seem to achieve the highest possible score in major exams which results are released before the other subjects... examples are O level MT, A level MT, A level PW...

Nevertheless, my PD tutor advices us to focus on the rest of the subjects as a B for PW would only mean a 1.25 grade point loss. There is still the 60 points from 3H2s to focus on..
During GP lecture, Mr Choo was telling us that for those that didnt do well for PW, there is always still GP!

But its GP... In my opinion, GP is even more difficult to get an A as compared to PW...

I hope this 1.25 loss will not affect my uni admission.. I hope for good rank points in the A levels...

Oh, and this year PW results are kind of weird. AJ had 60% A (30% last year) and some colleges had low %A BUT they had high %A last year... It doesnt really make sense but oh well.. PW doesnt make sense anyways.. (oh well, circular reasoning)

Ok, enough of the rant, its time to get over it and concentrate on the other subjects which still have room for doing well.

kamikorosu @ 12:20 AM
