
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Chapter 240: Long and tiring day

The day started off with GP tutorial followed by a short break before Chemistry SPA. Chem SPA turned out to be worse than I expected... so hereby I shall give you a meaningful quote "Prepare for the worst, hope for the best."

Chem SPA has 3 freaking Qualitative Analysis experiments.... and we are supposed to finish all those PLUS questions in a freaking 1 hr 15 mins... Obviously, I failed to do so, thus the rant.
Why must there be so many experiments in one practical... I don't get it.
Things are worse than these as most experiments resulted in something that differs from theory... some of them just refuse to wield the supposed results... very defiant chemicals.. (wait till i subdue them with the legendary chemical X)
To add on to my woes, I accidentally burnt my finger a little. :X
As i was panicking (due to severe time constraints), I did not realise that I was holding a test tube that I boiled seconds before... When I first held it, I felt a strange feeling to my hand... its painful.. and then I realised.. it was burning my hand... thankfully, there weren't any burn marks.. just abit of pain that recovered after a few moments.
Oh, and my fingers are stained with iodine (i guess).. which i only manage to get rid of after bathing at night..

To finish the sufferings on a high note with great impact, I forgot to bring goggles to school and my watch too -.-

Maths lecture about complex numbers.

Then came the Bio SPA. Bio SPA is the exact opposite of chem spa.. it was (way) better than i expected. It's relatively easy and fast to do.. everyone can finish way ahead of the stipulated time. Isn't this great? You happy, he happy, she happy, everybody happy.

If I was a pokemon, you will see: "Weakness: Basketball"

Basketball is a sport that i dislike since young and thus I didnt try it, nor did i try to play it at all.. until JC where my classmates are fanatics of that sport...
So JC is the time i start picking up basketball and also the time i start screwing up in it.
To sum up, I suck in basketball.
Everytime when we play basketball, I am seemingly the spectator.. or the free-rider.. there is a suitable phrase in Chinese to describe this: 滥竽充数
I never seem to play it well seriously..
Everytime when we're playing with people from another class, a seemingly balanced team of 4v4 is actually lopsided... they are actually playing 4v3 -.- (inference skills required here.)

I hope they dont blame me for my noobness lol. Anyways, I have more interest in soccer, although I cant play it well too :/

kamikorosu @ 10:48 PM
