
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Chapter 337: Mystical Dream

I had a dream yesterday (literally). It was full of action and excitement? or rather much tension involved...


My parents, out of nowhere, got themselves a mysterious luggage bag that contains something valuable inside. They hid it in the wardrobe in my room. They didn't want anybody to hear of this to prevent possible theft activities.
Suddenly, there seemed to be a mystical force... that acts like a magnet, paper clips suddenly rose up into the air, hovering in mid air... They then flew out of the window and get attracted together... They formed a ball-like object with paper clips and then they just flew off... and gone...
I then went out to some shopping mall. I walked into the lift. Inside the lift, I could hear noises outside... and some 6th sense (though I'm not sure if guys have that) tell me that there are gang people trying to hunt me down to know the whereabouts of that luggage bag with valuables. At the next floor, a mysterious guy came in and gave me 6 sweets and left?! I don't know what just happened here too haha.

I ate one of the sweet. The lift door opened again at another floor. The person trying to hunt for me was there... somehow he fail to see me.. It must be the sweet, I thought. Invisibility powers.

I then walked out and climbed up some ladder.. (must be because I just climbed the ladder 4 days ago... that's why it appeared in my dream....) And somehow I escaped.

I then came to a park. The gang people were here once more... I ate the sweet again. This time, the sweets seemed to have lost the invisibility powers somehow... (dreams are damn weird I swear) And for some weird reason, I was wearing my coveralls -.- So, I took it out from my pocket after pulling the velcro.

After eating the sweet, I thought of the paper clip incident that happened before... A moment of brilliance struck me somehow?! I don't know how and why and what but it just did...
That incident was a hint! Paper clips are light, therefore, it can fly in the air... ( I know this explanation abit absurd... but that works in the dream...) So, assuming that the sweet makes me light... I can fly! So, I spread out my arms and legs and I started to ascend into the skies LOL.

I flew and saw the gang people shouting at me to get down... Somehow, they are killing everybody they see... And somehow I saw 4 AJ People from class 18/10 in the park as well... (must be seeing too much of Guosheng these days haha) So, I threw the remaining 4 sweets to them so they can fly as well to escape the massacre.

And then, my father woke me up from my dream.

Disclaimer: The story given above is totally fictitious and is only a dream... There is no scientific proof and logic to whatever that is said above. Please do not seek evidence from me to prove anything as nothing mentioned occured in reality.

kamikorosu @ 9:53 PM
