
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Chapter 267: PTM & Polyclinic

In case you are wondering, PTM stands for Parent-Teacher Meeting.

In case you are wondering (again), PTM and Polyclinic are 2 separate entities which are of no correlation at all... They're linked at the title as these 2 issues shall be the main focus of this post.

PTM is a legendary affair in every school. Parents and students react very differently to this. Some children turn into an angel overnight (for one day and only one day, which is before PTM), some simply do not bother, etc etc... As for me, I just hope that the teachers wont badmouth about me.

Well, after meeting the teachers, the general consensus from the teachers are that I am too quiet in class... and I lack self confidence.
Well, being quiet? Cause I dont really like to answer questions and I fear answering questions wrongly... well that brings me to the point of lacking self-confidence. But sometimes I really not sure whether the answer is correct or not, and 60% of the time, my answer will be wrong.. When I am confident of an answer to that particular question, teachers just dont ask me that question. They'll wait till a question that is 50-50 or clueless to me... then they'll choose to ask me ...

And Mrs Ong really told my parents about me staring blankly at her when she asked me a question in which I am unsure of...

Since there need to be a balance to every essay to pass GP, I will attempt to balance my points here. The positive sides. The teachers have faith in me, they believe I can do well. They told my parents not to worry and I could do well in the A levels... They are stressing me and worrying me by saying this... But I hope I dont disappoint...

Now to move on to the Polyclinic part. I visited it for my pimples problem on my back. But thats not the main point.
The point is that there is a long waiting time... probably (or should i say definitely?) due to the cheap cost of it.

In the polyclinic, I can hear people speaking on the phone. 95% of the time, they will lament the long waiting time... (Well, what my GP teacher said was right. Polyclinics have long waiting time and they're cheap. If you want a shorter waiting time, private clinics are the right paths to take.)
There are also people complaining that the "numbers anyhow jump"... and in one instance, someone said that the "numbers go gostan (reverse)" (Obviously, a puzzled look appeared on my face at that instance.) Like since when the numbers go reversed....

I think that polyclinics function in a way that they assign (queue) numbers to each room. Like there is room A,B,C for consultations and 12 people visitng.
Room A will get person 1,4,7,10
Room B will get person 2,5,8,11
Room C will get person 3,6,9,12
But the doctors operate at different speeds (also factoring in the conditions of the patients of course.)
So lets say if the doc from room C is fast, the numbers will go like: 1,2,3,6,9,12
Ppl complain that the number jumped, in actual fact, it is going in the sequence of 3,6,9,12 for the doc in room C...

Hopefully, you got enlightened about the functions of the polyclinic. Rest assured this question will not appear in your exam paper and neither am I going to test you about it.

So I got antibiotics for my pimples problem. Hopefully it will go milder and milder, so the itch dont kill me.

kamikorosu @ 12:22 AM
